Man and Urban nature

Image a world in the distant future that is void of nature. A world striving so hard to meet the needs of a fast paced economy that it has decided to do away with nature.  Stripping the forests bare and painting its city-scape with endless towers of skyscrapers, can you image a world like that? What if I told you that this could be our future someday. 

With the advent of technology, mankind has since evolved and strive to develop machines that faster, better and more efficient. Technology has evolved to become smarter than some humans, surely we can invent machines to replace our trees, to take over the very salient function of trees which is to produce oxygen, a molecule so vital for our survival . In fact a graduate from the Royal College of Art has recently developed an artificial leaf capable of photosynthesis. Seems like we are not very far from this bleak future aren’t we?


Can man survive in a concrete jungle, would we be able to live without the presence of greenery? I should think not. In this segment I will be exploring the two psychological theories supporting our need for nature:

1. Biophilia Hypothesis

2. Attention restoration Hypothesis