Key players

In order to maintain our clean and green city in the face of increasing challenges, the government recognised the salient need to develop an organised system to delegate various tasks. There was much to be done in terms of nation-building. The government had to ensure governmental bodies were united and moving towards the same direction. 

Not to mention, Lee Kuan Yew’s vision of establishing a garden city was a long term initiative and someone had to oversee and sustain its development across the span of time.

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The year 2019 marks the 56th year of greening Singapore. We have come a long way since the day our late Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew planted a Mempat tree to kick-start his garden city campaign.

Mr Lee planting a Mempat Tree at Holland Circus. Source

Who then are the major stakeholders helping to maintain the cleanliness and greenery of our nation? We have to thank the National Parks board (NParks) and the National Environment Agency for that. They are the two keys players involved shaping Singapore’s evolution reach our goal of becoming a city in a garden.