Other significant events

She was actively participating in different organisations and committees to serve the country and actively participating in environmental conservation and advocating peace, justice and equality.


  • Appointed as the goodwill ambassador for an initiative aimed at protecting the Congo Basin Forest Ecosystem
  • Became the first president of the African’s Union’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council


Imgsrc: https://ggstewards.wordpress.com/2011/10/05/environmentalist-wangari-maathai-audacious-woman-of-her-time/

  • Awarded honorary doctorate by Connecticut College
  • Became one of the eight flagbearers of the Winter Olympics Opening ceremony
  • Supported the International Year of Deserts and Desertification Program
    Led the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign
  • Planted a tree together with Obama, then United States Senator, in Uhuru Park


  • Defeated in the Party of National Unity’s primary elections.
  • Co-chair of the Congo Basin Fund, an initiative by the British and the Norwegian governments to help protect the Congo forests.


  • Named the PeaceByPeace.com’s first peace heroes
  • Appointed as UN Messenger of Peace


Nobel Women’s initiative

Imgsrc: http://www.beautyinthemiddle.org/producers-and-curators/

Panel of the six founders (Imgsrc: https://nobelwomensinitiative.org/page/172/?cat=hizezzltbhq%3Fwpclear)

  • Establised along with other sister Nobel Peace laureates (Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan Maguire)
  • Aim to advocate peace with justice and equality and supporting women’s rights around the world.
Karura Forest Environmental Education Trust 

Imgsrc: http://www.friendsofkarura.org/become-a-member/kfeet-karura-forest-environment-education-trust/

Wangari Maathai briefing the staff (mgsrc: http://www.friendsofkarura.org/news-views/wangari-maathai/)

  • Became a trustee of the Karura Forest Environmental Education Trust to safeguard the Karura Forest which the protection she had fought for for almost 20 years
Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies (WMI)

Imgsrc: http://www.afritecture.org/architecture/wangari-maathai-institute-peace-environmental-studies

  • Founded in partnership with University of Nairobi.
  • Conduct academic research on sustainable resource use and transfer knowledge to be applied to the community and villages in Africa.
  • The academics and those working at the grassroots in the Green Belt Movement will share experiences, information and knowledge about the linkage between communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems.

<Nobel Peace Prize                                                                                               Awards>