St John’s Island National Marine Lab

In Singapore, St John’s Island National Marine Lab (SJINML) under Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI) is a national effort to create a centre for interested marine researchers to work together on Singapore’s marine biodiversity and environment.  They have been involved in the research of the giant clams (eg. evolution, breeding techniques, threats they faced in Singapore waters) and breeding healthy juvenile giant clams through mariculture.

Giant clams in TMSI. Source: TMSI
Giant clam area at TMSI. Source: TMSI







In the early 19th century, Singapore was recorded to have 5 different species of giant clams. However, during a survey done across 29 Southern Island reefs in 2009,  only 2 species of giant clams were found. The survey also found no juvenile clams in the reefs, suggesting that there is a decrease in populations and species.  In 2011, a restocking of giant clams program was launched and 5 years later, NParks Singapore reported to have successfully produced 5  batches of cultured juvenile giant clams.

In addition, with the opening of the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park, they have managed to re-introduce 6 Tridacna Gigas clams (the largest species of giant clams) into the reef at Sisters’ Islands. This marine park not only aims to protect Singapore’s coral reefs but also acts as a tool for conservation, education and research activities. This will be a good platform for Singaporeans to learn about the country’s rich marine biodiversity, develop a greater love for the environment and in hope to inculcate pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours in them.

Click on this to read more on Singapore’s history, research and conservation on giant clams!