Towards the future


Right now we are experiencing the top-down approach where government agencies and organizations are managing the issue of noise pollution for us. However, it has been proven that when the community is involved, the problem will be solved much quicker and the change will be lasting. I am suggesting to hold a discussion session about noise pollution within each of the residential committees. The discussion need not always be about construction noise or noise regulations, residents can share about what annoys them the most as long as it is regarding noise. This will enable personal complaints to be heard and discussed thereby improving the awareness of other residents to the noise tolerance of their neighbors. By sharing personal stories and experiences, my hope is that they will understand each other better and empathize with one another, thereby internalizing the need to keep noise level healthy. If each residential community in Singapore does this, the collective effort will reduce noise levels as a whole. Together with the top down approach, efforts to reduce noise pollution will quickly bear fruits.

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