Basic Information on Malawi (Infographics by Author)

Malawi, or officially known as the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country located in Southeastern Africa. It has a population of 19.3 million (2020), majority of which rely on agriculture as a source of livelihood. This is due to the vast amounts of arable land available, with ~40% of their total land area being suited for agriculture. Located 13.2543oS and 34.015oE, it has a tropical savannah climate. The abundant sunlight and precipitation during the wet season (November to May) also makes the country suited for agriculture as their primary economic activity.

Whilst the country has 0km of coastline, many beautiful lakes are found within the country, the largest of which is Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi is the second largest lake in Africa and has a very rich diversity of fish species, with over 850 species just for the cichlids. This wide variety and quantity of fishes support the fishery sector – both commercial fishing and aquaculture. Other natural resources that can be found in Malawi include minerals such as limestone and uranium as well as potential coal resources, all of which contribute to a growing mining sector today.