Image by the Moving Windmills Project (Click on the image to access their website)

The Moving Windmills Project was co-founded by William Kamkwamba and his mentor, Tom Rielly, in 2008. Since its inception, the organization has been working tirelessly to improve the lives of the people in Kasungu, William’s hometown. Even whilst studying for his degree, William made sure to return to Malawi every summer to implement some form of community improvement there. This strong connection with his hometown and village reflects the sense of place in his identity.

“My fellow students and I talk about creating a new kind of Africa, a place of leaders instead of victims, a home of innovation rather than charity.”

Some of the ongoing projects of the Moving Windmills Project include

  • Installing solar panels and Internet-in-a-box systems in primary and secondary schools so that students can easily access the plethora of information available online without being restricted to a physical library
  • Building community libraries with a focus on agriculture and STEM material to promote sustainable farming practices eg. crop rotation and encourage innovation so that agricultural land will not be degraded
  • Increasing access to potable water through percussion drilling which prevents the spread of water-borne diseases such as Malaria, and saves time for women and girls who would otherwise need to collect water from a distant well every day
  • Supporting small-scale irrigation schemes so that farmers can grow during the dry seasons and increase their crop yields which would provide greater financial stability for their families
  • Promoting community cohesion through the Wimbe United Football Club where youths can gather and play sports together
  • Building the Moving Windmills Innovation Centre that will serve as a one-stop resource and gathering hub for individuals and organizations that want to innovate to solve problems in their community