Clarissa Chang

About The AuthorI am Clarissa Chang, a 4th Year Psychology major from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. Being a passionate animal lover, I enrolled myself into Professor Michael Gumert’s Conservation Psychology module in hopes of making a difference to wildlife conservation. The birth of this blog is my humble attempt at taking baby steps towards being an activist for environmental protection and wildlife conservation.

Writing for this blog has been an extremely enriching experience for me, and I hope that you will be able to find it as interesting and helpful in your understanding of orangutan conservation.

If you wish to contact me to discuss about issues regarding orangutan conservation or how I can better improve and/or assist you in understanding materials provided on this blog, you are welcome to drop me a mail at

With that, I shall leave you with a quote:

“Like us, animals feel love, joy, fear and pain, but they cannot grasp the spoken word. It is our obligation to speak on their behalf ensuring their well-being and lives are respected and protected.” – Sylvia Dolson

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