Category: Uncategorized

About Myself

My name is Vanessa Orlati and i am a year 3 psychology student in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). I became fascinated by the Coastal Redwoods from pictures that i saw while browsing the internet ,due to its majestic size , age and massive biodiversity that it holds .

coastr redwoods 2To find out that these magnificent trees are endangered because of human activities motivated me to do a blog about the causes and consequences as well as conservation efforts that have been undertaken and that can be undertaken by individuals like ourselves , despite the geographical barrier . I will also apply certain concepts learnt in conservation psychology class throughout the blog wherever possible , as part of the the requirements .

Hope you enjoy the blog and hope that it will bring a greater awareness of the importance of saving the Coastal Redwoods not just because of the unknown future repercussions on our future generations and the consequences but also for its own sake .