
What can we as individuals do ?

Community-based groups like the organizations mentioned above provide us with opportunities to donate through their main websites . Donations can serve to fund scientific expeditions by biologists and researchers to continuously study the conditions of the forests to come up with ways to better protect them. Donations also contribute to the acquisition and restoration of redwood forests.

julia hill
Source: Shaun Walker

Julia Hill

There are certain individual environmental activists that have gone out of their way to preserve these Coastal Redwood trees , one of them being Julia Hill. In 1997 at 23 years of age, she joined a group of activist who were protesting against Pacific Lumber because they were planning to engage in clear cutting of Redwood Forest in Northern California in Humboldt County. Clear cuttung refers to the removal of all trees in a given area redundant of their age.

She had spent 738 days in a 1,500 year old tree 180 feet above the ground with the hopes of protecting not only the tree she was residing in but also the groves around her . Her individual efforts broke the record for tree sitting , which was 42 days , which brought in massive media attention and awareness to the ‘fight’ that was going on between the lumber company and the environmentalist and activist .

Through much resilience and perseverance against not only the harsh coastal winds and rain, and harrassing actions by the lumber company to try and get her down, er actions and the actions of other activist had finally payed off. They had been able to arrange for the protection of the tree she stayed in , Luna, and a nearly three-acre buffer zone around that tree by 1999.

Individual actions like the one taken by Julia Hill should serve as an inspiration for future generations to continue fighting for the preservation of the Coastal Redwood Forests.

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