The European High Level Expert Group on Scientific data (2010) has formulated the challenges for a scientific infrastructure to be reached by 2030: “Our vision is a scientific e-infrastructure that supports seamless access, use, re-use, and trust of data. In a sense, the physical and technical infrastructure becomes invisible and the data themselves become the infrastructure – a valuable asset, on which science, technology, the economy and society can advance”.
Here, “data” is not restricted to primary data but also includes all non-textual material (graphs, spectra, videos, 3D-objects etc.). The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) must now rise to these challenges: developing solutions together with the scientific community to make such data available, citable, sharable and usable, including visual search tools and enhanced content-based retrieval. With solutions such as DataCite and modular development for extraction, indexing and visual searching of new scientific metadata, TIB will ride this wave. And will make all data accessible to its users fast, convenient and easy to use.
Uwe Rosemann has been the director of the Technische Informationsbibliothek (German National Library of Science and Technology) and the Universitätsbibliothek Hannover (University Library Hannover) (TIB/UB) since the 1st October 1998. He studied mathematics with sociology as his subsidiary subject at the University of Bielefeld. Rosemann began his professional career in 1980 as a subject specialist in mathematics and computer science at Bielefeld‘s university library.
Uwe Rosemann has managed large-scale, third-party funded projects and has worked for the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on various boards and committees. In addition, he has also acted as an expert adviser.
Uwe Rosemann publishes articles and holds lectures on themes related to the management of libraries, digital libraries and copyright law.
Irina Sens, Ph.D. is currently the Deputy Director of the German National Library of Science and Technology in Hannover and has served in this capacity since 1999. She is Project Coordinator of several Digital Library projects. From 1995 to 1999 Dr. Sens was the subject specialist for Natural Sciences, Physics and Astronomy at Goettingen, State and University Library and was also responsible for interlibrary loan and document delivery the head office of the Common Library Network (GBV).
Dr. Sens studied chemistry and mathematics at the University of Marburg, Germany from 1984 – 1990 where she also received her Ph.D. in chemistry in 1993. After completion of her doctoral studies she served a librarian trainee at the State and University Library from 1993 – 1995.
#m113 ‘data dissemination methods have changed but mission remains the same’ #iatul2012
— Ivan Chew (@ramblinglib) June 4, 2012
#m113 DataCites. Video analysis tools. Visual search (is that a table?). chemOCR. Data visualisation. Impressive toolset. #iatul2012
— Peter Green (@lgreenpd) June 4, 2012
#m113 visual access to research data…
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 searching textual and non-textual chemical information…
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
full paper for #m113 RT “@JonasGilbert: #iatul2012 European Commission report on value of scientific data”
— Ivan Chew (@ramblinglib) June 4, 2012
#m113 content based searching for 3D objects
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 we have to en our portal to non-textual information
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 a new design focused on enabling collaborative relationships
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 Brownless Biomedical Library is another redevelopment project…
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 since 2007, university of Melbourne have been going through library redevelopments
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 contemporary pedagogy: guide by the side…
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113 Traditional pedagogy – sage on the stage
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012
#m113: Redefining the service experience: forging collaboration between librarians and students
— IATUL 2012 (@iatul2012) June 4, 2012