Social Media

The new generation users have readily embraced Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, smartphones and tablets. In this conference, we will be rolling out these social media tools to offer more channels for conference speakers and participants to interact with one another and share their experiences.

This blog captures the paper and poster abstracts as well as the biodata of speakers. You can post comments or ask burning questions and discuss issues raised in the papers and posters before and during the conference on our blog or via twitter. We are also creating an online directory where you can view delegates’ contact information and online profiles. Get connected to one another even before the conference begins!

Information on Singapore can be overwhelming with so many resources available online. Therefore, we offer useful but concise information about Singapore under the “About S’pore” tab to help you plan your stay here. Also, you can use our Livestream link to view the keynote presentations.  Promote these links to your colleagues who are unable to attend the conference so that they can watch the keynote presentations from home!

Do also visit the blog after the conference ends to see what interesting questions and comments have been generated by other participants – especially for sessions that you did not managed to attend! Also, if you are interested to know more about a particular topic, why not contact the speakers directly? Simply check the online directory.

Through Facebook, we will post regular news and updates about the conference. Photos and videos taken during the conference will also be uploaded to Facebook. Check out your images and tag them!


News flashes will be sent via our IATUL Twitter. During the conference, you can get your questions heard – beyond time set by the session by twittering your questions and these questions will appear under the blog comment section!