Shipping and Energy Club Activities

Author: Melva Goh, Singapore

A Visit to an Oil Tanker

A group of 14 of us from The NANYANG MBA recently gathered at the Marina South Pier
to begin our expedition to a real life experience of offshore environment. There, we took
our offshore taxis, small tugboats, to our final destination onboard an Oil Tanker which
awaited us three kilometres offshore from the pier.

Climbing up a ladder made of wooden planks from the tug boat up five metres to the
tanker was a first time experience for all of us.

Once onboard, the captain and the owner of the tanker greeted us as if we have paid an
expensive ticket to a luxury cruise. We were brought through an exclusive tour through
several passageways into the wheelhouse, the main deck, the crew cabins, the galley
and the engine room. Cameras were constantly flashing as our MBA “tourists” started
posing as the “Captain” and “Crew”.

The biggest take-away from this visit is how we can closely relate to an offshore
environment as the Captain narrated the life of the crew members and the operation of
the tanker while we were actually physically touching and seeing a real vessel out in the

Myriad Minds of Energy

The wise minds of various energy sectors, namely, Veolia Water Solutions and
Technologies (Water Management), Schlumberger (Oil & Gas), and Faststream
Recruitment Group (Headhunter for Offshore & Shipping), met at this event to share with
our MBA fellow team-mates great insight into the Energy fields.
Their presence at the event was paramount to gaining a deeper understanding into the
challenges and prospects ahead and the key functional expertise required to uphold the
dynamism of the industry.

Not only did we share the passions of the invited guest speakers during their
presentations, the question and answer session was fully optimized with a host of long
-awaited queries. As such, the event was extended by an hour to allow for more
information sharing, an important objective of the event.

At the end of the event, the guest speakers came to congruence in their career advice to
our fellow MBA team-mates – “Know what you want to do and follow your passion rather
than monetary incentives”.
Wise minds indeed!