Sign up for our 2-hour sharing session on the 4th Friday of each month and discover how you can get your citation reports quickly, easily and accurately for your Promotion and Tenure (P&T) exercise.

The sharing sessions will cover the following main topics:

  1. How to prepare your publication list in your CV
  2. How to set up and update your profiles in Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar
  3. How to capture your citation data in different databases
  4. How to generate your citation report for your P&T exercise
  5. What to do if you have a better presence in other academic platforms

These monthly sessions are highly recommended if you are looking to:

  • learn self-assessment skills in preparation for your P&T exercise
  • optimize your research profiles to enhance your research impact
  • gain knowledge on how to better disseminate your papers and boost their discoverability

To register, please click here.