Who are we?

The Advisory and Consultation team is made up of Akbar, Rindra, Lena, Padma, Oi May, Soma, Vincent, Samantha, and Bella! We are your liaison librarians and you may have seen us around your schools and even your classes.

What do we do?

As you can probably tell from our team name, simply put we provide advice and consultations for your research needs. We are the subject resource experts for our respective subject areas which means that we are best able to know the secrets and hidden treasures of our databases and e-resources!

As for day-to-day work, we’re here to help you with your research and this could come in the form of:

  • Recommending resources for your research topic i.e. journals, databases, data sets, etc.;
  • Facilitating a workshop to show you how to make full use of our library subscribed resources;
  • Liaising with external trainers to give in-depth, database specific training sessions to the NTU community;
  • Organising exhibitions to showcase your work, usually in collaboration with teaching staff;
  • And the list goes on!

Putting a face to the name

Below you can see the librarians listed according to which subject area they serve. Click on their photos to send them an email if you have a question about library resources for your research area or request a research consultation. We’re always happy to help.

Art, Design & Media

Bella and Vincent


Akbar, Lena, Padma, and Samantha

Communication & Information

Rindra and Oi May


Lena, Padma, and Soma


Oi May and Vincent


Soma and Samantha

Social Sciences

Rindra and Bella