Conference season

It’s conference season!

Members of the NTU Visual Perception Lab are travelling far and wide to talk about our research.

Arnab presented a poster on “Blink Adaptation for Vergence Eye Movements” at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting in Florida.

Yulia and Maiko are in Rome for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting, presenting their research on “Perceptual filling-in of the blind spot is not based on activation of monocular region in V1“, and “White Matter Tracts Adjacent to the Cingulate Sulcus Visual Area (CSv) Assessed with Diffusion MRI“, respectively.

Several lab members will be in Osaka at the Asia Pacific Conference on Vision later in July, tp present posters and talks. Egor: “The spatial profile of interocular suppression is modulated by mask speed“. Gerrit: “Motion extrapolation and time compression during eye blinks“.

We hope to meet you, if you’re at any of these meetings!


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