The Lab

Visual directions to the lab

Our laboratory is located on the beautiful Yunnan Garden campus in Singapore’s West.

We have just moved into our newly renovated lab space in the South Spine (after a few years in temporary rooms in the soon to be demolished Innovation Centre).

The lab consists of 2 rooms and 2 curtained cubicles, housing psychophysics and eye tracking setups. Outside the testing rooms, we have a small  study area that lab members use for preparing, analysing and discussing their projects.


We currently have three setups to run psychophysics experiments. Each one is a dual boot system (Windows and Ubuntu). Experimental software installed on these include Python/Psychopy and MatLab/Psychtoolbox. Two of these stations are equipped with a Eyelink 1000 plus for eye tracking studies. We have a custom air-puff machine controlled using an Arduino micro, which can be used to deliver air puffs to participants’ eyes to induce involuntary eye blinks. The second station is equipped with a mirror stereoscope. Other specialized equipment include NVIDIA active 3D shutter glasses and Plato shutter glasses.




The laboratory also has access to a 3T Siemens Prisma MRI and MEG in the brand new Experimental Medicine Building on campus, as well as a new cTMS system shared with other labs in the School of Social Sciences.

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