
This page contains our weekly progress from the start of our project.

Weeks 1-3: pilot training, parts sourcing

During these 3 weeks, we trained our piloting skills and looked for parts sources.

Read more about our pilot training here and read more about our parts sourcing experience here.

Week 4 – prototyping, designing

We spent this week trying different configurations and specifications in a simulator and designing our drone.

Read more about our drone designing here.

Weeks 5-6: Prototype 1 and First Test Flight

During these two weeks, we finished building our first prototype and flew it. Unfortunately, this prototype proved to be unsuitable for our project’s purposes and in the end, it was decided that Prototype 1 should be disassembled so that the parts can be used for future prototypes.

Read more about our first prototype’s development here.

Week 7-9: Building and Testing Prototype 2

During this period, we built the second prototype after the failure of the first prototype. We also carried out several test flights and made additions (FPV and package loading).

Read more about our second prototype’s development here.

Weeks 10-12: The crash of Prototype 3 and the development of the package box

After the success of Prototype 2, we changed the flight controller while keeping the same motors, propellers and battery. We also mounted the servos and magnets along with designing, printing and testing the payload container. Unfortunately, the change of flight controller proved fatal for the drone.

Read more about our third prototype’s development here and read more about the development of the payload container here.

Week 12-13: Our Final Product

Due to Prototype 3’s unfortunate crash, we had to change the flight controller back to the flight controller from Prototype 2, which was combined with the rest of Prototype 3 for our final product.

Our product was eventually able to be flown manually and could release the package at the flick of a switch.