
The team at a test flight of charm drone. From left to right: Beverley, Charmaine, Joseph. Kai Hong was in class at the time of this photo.

Joseph [SPMS]: Leader, as in the one who does nothing but talks a lot. Physics major, loves physics.

Charmaine [SBS]: Treasurer, as in the one who has to sort hundreds of receipts into proper order. Biological Sciences major, sleep schedule rekt by World Cup.

Kai Hong [SBS]: Safety Officer, as in the one who occasionally reminds everyone else that we should attempt to look out for ourselves. Biological Sciences major but… also loves physics?

Beverley [MAE]: Secretary, as in the one who writes everything. Aerospace Engineering major, thinks 787 Dreamliners are the coolest aircraft ever, and also the brains of the project since she is the only one with an Engineering background.