Uniqkidz Camp

Uniqkidz Camp

A free camp for children from underprivileged backgrounds, this event is organised annually by the student residents from NTU Hall of Residence 1 to remind their peers of the less well-off in the community and to contribute to the needy sectors with their skills....
Touch Of The Hearts

Touch Of The Hearts

    Rousing performance by MINDS! Other student volunteers ‘playing’ their part. NTU Wushu member wow-ing the crowd! NTU students running a variety of stalls. Intricate handicrafts handmade by MINDS.   Each year, the Touch of the Hearts...
Gourmet Guru

Gourmet Guru

Gourmet Guru reaches out to the public. Gourmet Guru students trying out baking themselves. Two homemakers in the Gourmet Guru project currently conduct culinary classes for Secondary 1 and 2 students from Singapore Sports School every week. In 2011, a group of...
Cyber Kop.IT.iam

Cyber Kop.IT.iam

Students meet regularly with partners, mentors and alumni to brainstorm and refine their concepts before execution. A pilot ITea session being conducted to assess and refine the efficiency and sustainability of this model. A student volunteer guiding an elderly in...
Janitors’ Appreciation Month

Janitors’ Appreciation Month

Starting off as a one-day high tea function, three years ago, to appreciate school janitors for their contributions, the Janitors’ Appreciation Month now comprises several activities held over the course of one month. Organised by students of the Rotaract Club...