Palm in Palm

Abstract or Summary of Project

Suggesting visual effect and tactility of under-utilised material (found palm leaf) through everyday product.

Surrounded by concrete jungles and characterised by fast-paced living, the modern society of Singapore might tend to lose close connection with the natural environment.  The project seeks to connect people to local nature through the utilisation of locally-found natural materials. Occasional jaunts to the neighbourhood park led one to observe the abundance of discarded materials, spurring investigations into the botanical uses of our cultivated landscapes.

Based on availability, fallen palm leaves of the Roystonea regia were chosen to demonstrate ways of using under-utilised materials. With the designs guided by the material’s properties, Palm in Palm is a collection of holdable objects exploring the unique visual and tactile qualities of the palm leaf sheath. The making process incorporates both mechanical precision afforded by modern technologies and the sense of vitality expressed through handcraft. 

These works are intended to invite one to appreciate the flora around us as a provider of beauty, inspiration and resources.

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)

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May 14, 2018