A boy wanders through a futuristic utopia.
Directed by Bervyn Chua @bervync (Editor) and Alvin Phua @apjt.art (Lead Artist) With help from Renee Teoh @ummpolehbear (Artist) and Ryan Lee @camerabuzzer (Compositor) My role was Co-Directing on Story/Colour and Compositing/Editing.
Inspired by the style of Robert Valley
Music Licensed for film use.
16 Weeks of work alongside other modules
Submission for the Render Challenge by @pwnisher
Process Video: • Pwnisher Alternat…
This project is a type specimen of Avenir, inspired by Adrian Frutiger’s humanistic approach to geometrical precision in designing this classic typeface. Frutiger began by crafting the letter ‘O’ first, by hand, which appears to be an optically perfect circle from afar but made slight tweaks to certain angles such that it is in fact an imperfect circle. The rest of the letters and symbols were then designed based on the geometry of the letter ‘O’. The type specimen combines mathematical elements with the human touch of “fill in the blanks” worksheets as a tribute to its design methodology.
Socks always come in a pair, but now, one of them is missing. Set in a household-esque realm where objects float about in mid air, the televisions shift between static and broadcasting the case of the missing sock. It appears that the rubber ducks are up to no good, and that the pair of socks were last seen in the washing machine.
The narrative explores the concept of quantum entanglement between a pair of socks. The laws of this theory suggests that a pair of particles become inseparably entwined, sharing a single physical description that specifies their possible combined states and that both entities maintain the same intertwined state regardless of distance or time.
The lost sock is left in a state of superposition, which is having multiple possible outcomes of what might have happened to it, deliberately represented this way for the viewers to imagine for themselves.
‘You are a Superhero’ is a kit proposed for family therapy centres, made available for children with behavioural disorders. The kit is designed to aid in reducing anxiety and stress.