All posts by #PHUAH ZHI YI#

BS Batch 2012 LIVE created on 13/06/2012

Meeting Log #5 – 25 March 2015

Location: Benches outside EEE

Time: 12.30pm

Everyone was present.

We filmed our first video in the School of Biological Sciences yesterday and we completed and finalised it today.

Today, we are going to discuss on our second video and get a rough script out. One suggestion was to make it like a mafia trading in the world where plastic is banned. Somewhat like plastic trafficking.

The name of our video would be Degradation.

Details will be under the Assignment tab.

Things to do during the next meeting:

Finish up the second video shoot.

Team questions session 6 – 18 March 2015

4. Acid deposition is an issue in eastern Canada as many waters and soils here lack natural alkalinity like lime base and hence cannot neutralise acid naturally. Places like Ontario has it worst as their water and soil systems cannot deter the outcomes of high acid deposition.

The 9 largest coal burning states are in Midwest and Ohio River valley which is estimated to contribute to 2/3 of acid rain in Northeast and Eastern Canada.

In 2005, 50-70% of Canada’s acid rain came from the US.


Air. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2015, from

Meeting Log #4 – 18 March 2015

Location: Benches outside NBS, opposite LT 24

Time: 12pm

Duration: 1.5 hours

A brief meeting before class to finish up on the remaining unfinished part on “Chemical Concept”.  Everyone was present for the meeting.

After which, we went on to discuss about the ideas for our first video. Ideas suggested include: news broadcast (probably more applicable to the second video about implications), talk show style.

We have decided on filming our video as a talk show style. We would need an empty tutorial room for the location, and we will film using Rish’s iPad. The brainstorming session results are as follows:

The talk show will include a host, an expert talking about the chemical concepts, while the rest of our team members will be the audience who are entitled to ask the ‘expert’, questions about certain chemical concepts.

Please refer to our assignments tab for more details.

Things to do before/during the next meeting:

– Finalise the script and start filming

Meeting Log #3 – 11 March 2015

Location: Study area one level down of LKC Lecture Theatre

Time: 12 pm

Duration: 1.5 hours

Met up before class to discuss and fill up our group blog in the “Chemical Concept” and “Implications to Society” pages. Everyone was present for the meeting.

Under “Chemical Concept”, we provided an overview to what polymers are and their properties. We went on to further elaborate about HDPE, which is our topic of discussion. In order to fully understand what HDPE essentially is, we compared its physical and chemical properties to LDPE. In addition, we included the process of how HDPE is formed and certain interesting facts we have found.

Under “Implications to Society”, we provided a background to how HDPE came about and how other forms of plastic can be formed. We also included some of the history to how plastics can be important and how they were used in the past.  Nevertheless, what we need to be aware of would be the current impacts that plastics have on the environment and what other efforts have been in place to alleviate the impacts that plastic has on the environment.

Things to do before/during the next meeting:

– Improve on our blog posts; beautify with visuals or graphics

– Brainstorm and share ideas on the group video




1. The earth is not cooling rapidly due to the greenhouse effect. Energy radiated by the earth is absorbed by the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is essentially the process by which atmosphere gases trap and return infrared radiation radiated from the Earth’s surface.

2. This cartoon does not justify. Global warming is about extreme temperature fluctuations. It is not about hot places getting hotter, but also cold places getting colder. There is also a difference between local weather and global climate. Low temperatures in one region may not equate to colder global climate.

3. All the radars were not successful, because transmitters are operating at frequencies that are too low. The microwaves then have too little energy to rotate the water molecules.

4. In the short run, we think that air quality will play a huge role because of the immediate repercussions that polluted air will have on human health. For the long run, ozone depletion is of a large concern because it can lead to skin cancer. Global warming will also play a huge role as the earth’s temperature will continue to rise as well as the sea level, which may destroy settlements such as in Venice and Louisiana.  More heat waves resulting from global warming will cause serious health risks such as heat stroke.