Monthly Archives: March 2015

Table of contents

Green energy is an essential part of a sustainable development. The major advantage of using renewable energy is that as it is renewable, it is therefore sustainable and so will never run out. More importantly, green energy produces little or no waste products; this means green energy has minimal impact on the environment. However, green energy comes with some disadvantages that might outweigh the advantages it brought. Group 27 focuses on the impacts of three popular forms of green energy: solar energy, tidal energy and bio-energy.

  1. Chemical concepts
  2. Implications to the society


Second meeting

Second meeting was conducted online on 25th of Feb 2015, the whole duration last about one day.

All the members turn up for the meeting. We discussed about details on what to write for “about team” as well as lying down the format for the contents of the blog.

We plan to finish most of the content required for the blog on 2nd of March 2015 but some teammates having their own commitments during the recess week. They are required to contribute more to the videos that we have to flim for the project.

Each member have to do their research regarding the topic before we meet again.

First meeting

First meeting was conducted online on 6th of Feb 2015, the whole duration last about two days.

All the team members attended the meeting. We discuss about possible topics regarding unit 4 and we come into conclusion that green energy are the most interesting topic amongst the few. After which, an email was sent to the course instructor for confirmation. Google document will be set up for editing purpose which require gmail to access to relavent document. Not everyone have a gmail account and advice is given to set up one as it is very useful for projects as well as other function.

Before next meeting, we will input introduction into the blog. Next meeting will be on finishing up contents under “chemical concept” and “implication to society”.