Category Archives: Minutes log

Records of discussions

Meeting 5

25 March 2014
Everyone was present

Aim: Come out with the video draft plan in terms of sequence and presentation

Video 1: Introduction on Chemical Concepts
1. Opening: Video of dissolving solutes in water (such as milo powder), oil in water
2. Definition: someone holding a paper with the definition of solvent and dissolution
3. Another paper with the question ‘So.. Is there a universal solvent’
4. One person defines polar solvent through the use of slides/images/talking – Jiehui
5. Another person defines the non-polar solvents through slides/images/talking – Pratyum
6. Solvation general rule – Jacob
7. Universal solvent
8. Types of interactions in dissolution for polar and non polar through use of images – Shantanu
9. Briefly discuss the different factors that can affect dissolution

Video 2:
1. Show images of different drugs – Jeremy
2. Explain how dissolution is applicable in area of drug discovery
– adsorption and distribution
3. Show images of oil spill – Haikal
4. Explain how oil spill is cleared using solubility concept
5. Explain what is heavy metal pollution and how the metal ions dissolve in water causing toxicity.

Meeting 4

Discussion on blog entry

  • 25 feb 2015 after class
  • Everyone was present

Task to be done

  • Pratyum will be doing the formatting of the blog and insert a background for it
  • The rest will continue to find more examples to expand the points that we discussed and wrote on the blog
  • A brief outline was also typed into the Impact on society page and further discussed after we complete the page on chemical concept.


Meeting 3

Meeting 3

Discussion over the phone (24 Feb)

We decided to split the work into two parts

  1. Polar – Jiehui, Haikal and Jeremy
  2. Non Polar – Jacob, Pratyum & Shantanu

After reading on the topic that we are assigned, we will come back and discuss together as a team. Eg. Through posting in the blog or email. After discussion, then we will key into the blog under chemical concept tab.


Polar interactions

To answer this, we must first define what a solvent is and how do reactants dissolve in a solvent. A solvent is liquid that acts a medium for reactions to occur. There are 2 types of solvents. They are polar and non-polar solvents.

Polar solvents are when the molecules have dipole moments. The bonds between the atoms have different electronegativity, resulting in a net dipole moment. To determine whether the molecules have dipole moment, it is important to look at the shape of the molecule and the bond angles.

A polar solvent will generally dissolve a polar molecule due to the charges to break up the molecule into ions and the positive charge of the polar molecule will attract the negative ion and vice versa as seen below when NaCl dissolves in H2O. H20 is an example of a polar molecule due to it having a slightly bent shape, the dipole moments do not cancel out resulting in a partially positive H and a partially negative O.


Meeting 2

Meeting 2: Voting and ranking on the chemical concepts to focus on
Communication via email and whatsapp

1) Electronegativity (Proposed by Jacob & Pratyum)

  •  What is electronegativity?
  • Different type of chemical structures
    • Tetrahedral etc
  • How electronegativity helps to explain why molecules adopt certain structures?
  • Why is it important to know electronegativity?
  • How it contributes to the society?
  • Batteries/Microbial fuel cells

2) Dissolution/solvation (Proposed by JieHui & Shantanu)

  • General introduction on the different types of solvent – Is there such a thing that is known as a universal solvent
  •  How do things dissolve in solvent eg water?
  • Different type of interactions
  • Simulation of phospholipid in water and how they become micelle
  • Why is it important to know about it?
    • The importance of detergent to clean used plate
    •  Drug design
  •  Does it mean that whatever pollutant that can dissolve would have lesser impact on the environment?
    • Oil spill = cannot dissolve in sea
    • Pollution related to heavy metals

3) Water treatment (Proposed by Haikal & Jeremy)

  • Introduction on water treatment
  • Why do we treat the water
    • Heavy metal contamination
    • Water borne diseases
  • How water treatment is done?
    • Filtration
    • Chemical treatment etc
  • Why do we still need to reintroduce mineral into the water?
    • Effect of ultra-pure water

Voting results


Electronegativity Solvation Water treatment
Haikal 3rd 1st 2nd
Jiehui 3rd 1st 2nd
Jacob 2nd 1st 3rd
Pratyum 3rd 2nd 1st
Shantanu 2nd 1st 3rd
Jeremy 3rd 2nd 1st
Conclusion 3rd 1st 2nd

Finalized outline

  • ​General introduction on the different types of solvent
    • Is there universal solvent
  • ​Factors that affects dissolution ​
    • Different type of interactions​
  •  How do things dissolve in solvent eg water?
    • Simulation of phospholipid in water and how they become micelle?
  •  Why is it important to know about it?
    • The importance of detergent to clean used plates?
    • Drug design
  • How dissolution affects the way the pollutants causes harm to the environment?
    • Oil Spill
    • Toxic metals
    • Red tide

Meeting 1

Brainstorming on the focus on the 4th Feb after class
All the members were present

Some of the topics from Unit 5 suggested were:
1) Electronegativity (Battery, non-bonded interactions)
2) Solvation (The need of detergent/different type of pollutants)
3) Water treatment (Potable water)

Action to be taken:

  • Expand the topic and develop a rough outline
  1. – Jacob & Pratyum – Electronegativity
  2. – JieHui & Shantanu – Solvation
  3. Haikal & Jeremy – Water treatment
  •  Vote to rank the different chemical concepts proposed by Friday
  • Submission of the topics for approval before Saturday