

Individual action is great. Collective action is better. Governmental intervention is the best.


As with any other eco-crisis, state attention on curbing population change is necessary. This becomes especially tricky given that across the globe, countries must sustain economic growth to remain competitive. This sustained economic growth, unfortunately, cannot be had without population growth.

The time has come for us to consider what is truly considerable. Economic growth, or our planet?

The last I checked, the lack of a functioning planet would be a pretty big problem for the economy. There can be no economy if there is no planet.

Here are some ways through which you can advocate for ecological antinatalism.

Population Matters is a UK-based charity that campaigns towards the goal of achieving a sustainable human population to protect the natural world and to improve the lives of presently-existing people. Their notable patrons include the likes of Sir David Attenborough and Dame Jane Goodall.

Population Connection, first founded as Zero Population Growth (ZPG), is the largest grassroots population organization in the United States. Chiefly, Population Connection works to ensure that everyone around the world who wants to delay or end childbearing has access to the health services and contraceptive supplies they need in order to do so.

The PERN's mission is to facilitate scientific analysis and dialogue about population-environment relationships. It is an Internet-based network that is open and free to all who are interested in population-environment research. PERN's activities include the collection and annotation of relevant web-links, recent publications, and syllabi in an online database, hosting cyberseminars, and the provision of information on meetings, grant and job opportunities and member research.

The Partners in Population and Development is an intergovernmental initiative created specifically for the purpose of expanding and improving collaboration in the fields of reproductive health, population, and development within developing nations. Among their chief aims is to help implement the Cairo Program of Action, which stresses the need to establish mechanisms to promote development through the sharing of experiences in reproductive health and family planning within and among countries and to promote effective partnerships among the governments, Non- Governmental-Organizations (NGOs), research institutions and the private sector.

Family Planning 2020 is a global movement that works with governments, civil society, multilateral organizations, donors, the private sector, and the research and development community to enable 120 million more women and girls to use contraceptives by 2020. They employ data-driven methods to drive governmental-level support for advocacy in reproductive rights and dissemination of information regarding family planning.