600s-700s(?) : Pandas used as diplomatic tools.
1941: Sent to America for entering WW2.First time pandas were sent in modern times
1958 to 1982 : China sent 23 pandas to 9 different countries. Most of these countries were China’s communist allies
Credits: Smithsonian Institution Archives
One of the most famous instances of panda diplomacy. 2 pandas sent to America to celebrate Nixon’s trip to China, signifying warming US-China relations. This was a huge success.
1974: British Prime Minster asked for pandas, influenced by 1972’s panda diplomacy.
1984: Pandas were no longer given but loaned out at a rate of up to US$1 million a year. (Refer to Bang for Buck for more details)
2005: Offer of pandas to Taiwan as a political attempt at reconciliation. Offer was rejected in 2006 due to political ideologies.
2008: 2 pandas rented to Japan. Taiwan accepts offer of pandas
2011: 2 pandas rented to Scotland
2014: 2 pandas rented to Malaysia; 2 pandas rented to Belgium
Now: Currently, there are 59 pandas in 14 countries that have pandas, one of which is Singapore.
Notes: Not all panda trades are included in the timeline