Threats to the Singapore Freshwater Crab

Danger threats. Source: Pixabay.

Danger threats. Source: Pixabay.

Since the identification of the critically endangered Singapore freshwater crab in 1986, researchers have become interested in conducting observations and fieldwork to understand its ecology and threats. Problem analysis of the threats and constraints of the endangered species have been recognised, in the hope of developing suitable strategies for conservation. Potential threats can be impacted by human activities, both directly and indirectly. Most of these threats do not occur in isolation, but in a combination to the declining species’ population. Additionally, the declining rate of the population from a specific region must also be analysed case-by-case and cannot be generalised.

Some of the possible threats to the Singapore freshwater crab which will be discussed in this blog include:

  1. Habitat loss
  2. Water pollution
  3. Climate change
  4. Invasive species