WWF’s Conservation Efforts

WWF has done a lot to promote harmonious living of humans and leopards by reducing conflicts between them. It aims to reduce threats that these leopards face such as mining and illegal poaching and trading. Similarly, WWF also aims to create greater development in rural areas and to educate others on how to ensure sustainable development.

Curbing Illegal Trade
In order to reduce and stop illegal hunting of snow leopards and its prey, mobile anti poaching initiatives are supported by WWF. Working closely with TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, they aim to stop illegal trading of fur, bones and other body parts of the snow leopards.

Cooperation with Communities
WWF feels that there are many opportunities and channels whereby they will be able to help local communities and the snow leopards to live harmoniously together. With this belief, WWF works with local communities in the Eastern Himalayas to survey snow leopard behaviours and to reduce retaliatory killings with the use of local insurance plans as incentives.

In addition, in Mongolia, WWF also work closely with goat herders to increases the awareness about threats that the snow leopards face and to encourage them to stop killing them as retaliation for killing their livestock. A project known as the Land of Snow Project by WWF also aims to protect snow leopard habitats in Mongolia.