
Education must be a major component in any approach that has its aim of influencing people to behave in environmentally friendly ways. Clearly, people cannot be concerned about the banded leaf monkey situation if they are unaware of it. Likewise, they cannot be blamed for behaving in environmentally detrimental ways if they are unaware of the implications of their behaviour.

Therefore, both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to changing people’s attitudes. It becomes a necessary tool to make people realise their interdependence and to make more salient the long-term societal costs of squandering the natural resources.

Outdoor Experiential Learning  

12586604225_3486ba3d4e_hLearning can take place through outdoor experiences. Learners can join in a guided nature walk at Macritchie Forest to learn more about the natural environment and wildlife in a proximal distance. Nature guides and trips also emphasize the values and benefits attached to wildlife, the need for its conservation, and the enhancement of human-wildlife coexistence and tolerance.
These opportunities allows people to experience and interact with the natural environment up-close. It can also increase a person’s emotional bond and attachment to nature and wildlife. (Image taken from

.                                                                             .School Talks

maxresdefaultSchools can engage non-governmental organisations or guest speakers to raise students’ awareness and sensitivity to the wildlife. Through these talks and programmes, students can gain an awareness of the banded leaf monkey campaigns and projects in Singapore. (Photo by TEDXNUS)

Wildlife Voluntary Programmes  


The public can play various roles in the wildlife voluntary programmes to raise conservation awareness. These programmes not only aim to win more space for wildlife by encouraging land use practices that are compatible with wildlife conservation, it also strengthen individual’s volunteering habit, mould their personal character and attitudes, and build a sense of responsibility to the environment. (Photo by WWF Singapore)