Proportional rights and responsibilities of member nations


The Coral Triangle is a large complex system with various CPRs. It is recognized that the success for resource governance or community management is the clear boundaries of resources. Although the geographical area of the Coral Triangle is well-defined, it does not reflect the jurisdictional or contested boundaries of the region. Likewise, member nations in the Coral Triangle vary in geographical scale and this can create potential disputes over the proportional rights and responsibilities of member nations.

Sensitivity to social cultural issues 

Cultural differences in SE Asia

Member nations from of the Coral Triangle come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Misunderstandings among local groups and cultural differences can result in the divisions, tensions, and violence between different social and cultural groups. These cultural differences and clashes do not only occur between cultural groups between different countries, but conflict also arises among the cultural groups within a particular region. For instance, conflicts and tension are present between Muslims and Catholics in the Southern Philippines. Therefore, this highlights the need for cultural awareness, tolerance and understanding to solve interpersonal conflicts and differences.