10 ways to protect coral reefs http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/science-sushi/files/2015/06/11390220_896468560411517_589381991960777984_n.jpg

So what can we as individuals do to help?

Although the conservation of the Coral Triangle may seem far for us, there are little actions that we can contribute and play our part.

1. Responsible diving and snorkeling

On the next diving or snorkeling trip, do remember to NOT pluck or keep corals as souvenirs. It is okay to admire the beauty of corals but contact or removal will damage coral reefs.

2. Support reef-friendly businesses

Do a quick research on the hotels, aquariums, fishing operators, diving or snorkeling operators to ensure that these businesses do engage in some form of responsibility or sustainable practice, that contributes to the management of coral reefs and the surrounding ecosystems.

3. Do your part to slow down climate change

Climate change is real and it is happening. But, we can play a role to slow down or lessen its impact. Simple actions such as practicing the 3Rs (Reduce, reuse, recycle) can help to reduce pollution and resource extractions or making small changes to your homes i.e. switching to energy-efficient light bulbs or appliances.

4. Proper Trash Disposal

The next time when you go to a beach, be it East Coast Park or some exotic beaches in Bali, do ensure that your trash especially plastic bags or fishing lines are disposed properly. Plastic bags and fishing lines do pose great dangers to marine animals such as turtles. Also, litter and rubbish pollutes the water, thus harming coral reefs and other marine species.

5. Spread the Word

With new knowledge about conservation issues and the Coral Triangle, we can spread the word to increase awareness and to encourage others to get involved!

The coral triangle day http://www.coraltriangleinitiative.org/sites/default/files/resources/users/lgallardo@uscti.org/CT%20Day%20banner.jpg