Climate change is a threat to both humans and wildlife. For the Coral Triangle, the effect of warming ocean temperature, ocean acidification and rising sea levels can greatly influence its region.

Warming ocean temperature

Coral bleaching

The rise in the water temperature causes coral bleaching. Corals are dependent on the algae living inside them for food and their vibrant colors. Coral bleaching occurs when the corals lose their brilliant colors when the algae living inside them dies due to warmer water temperatures. Therefore, this results in the eventual starvation of the corals as well as a bleached appearance.

The loss of habitats by coral bleaching may affect the survival of other marine species especially fishes because they are dependent on coral reefs for protection and shelter. The loss of coral reefs can have averse economic and ecological impact to both humans and marine life.

But corals that are bleached, are not died yet! These corals have become very vulnerable to diseases, stress and mortality. However, under the right conditions, it is possible for corals to recover. 

Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification


Carbon dioxide is widely recognized greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. When oceans absorb more carbon dioxide in the air, the higher carbon dioxide acidifies sea water. This acidification of the ocean prevents corals from absorbing calcium carbonate, which are essential for the maintenance of their skeletal structure. Without sufficient calcium carbonate, these stony corals would either be dissolved or damaged. 

Likewise, shellfish, snail and clams are also vulnerable to ocean acidification because like coral reefs, they require calcium carbonate to form hard shells. 

Ocean acidification can also negatively impact other marine species due to the acidity and toxicity of the water. This may then threaten local livelihoods who are dependent on the seas for resources.


Rising sea levels 

Damage from rising sea levels


Communities in the Coral Triangle are mostly located near the seas. With climate change, these communities face the huge threats from rising sea levels. Rising sea levels can lead to the displacement of many people as well as destroying ecosystems that protects the coasts.

Rising sea levels also affects beach-dependent species like turtles because it threatens their habitats.