The Power of the Crowd – Guest Lecture by Stefan Lindegaard

Submitted by Anggono Natalnugroho, Co-Chair of the Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club

On 10 Dec 2014, the Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club invited Stefan Lindegaard, a Copenhagen-based innovation expert, to give brief a lecture on crowdsourcing — tapping the knowledge, opinions, and ideas of the crowd to help innovation inside established companies.

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Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge 2015

Submitted by Jeffery Zou, Co-Chair of the Banking & Finance Club

A team from the Nanyang Business School comprising of Jeffery Zou, Stephanie Zhao, Sona Sethi, and Dr. I Putu Mahendra Wijaya participated in the Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge in February and March 2015 respectively, both held at Bangkok. The team was guided by NBS’s Prof Vijay Sethi.

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