Hey solo sister

Goh Si Lei Agnes, Anthia Chng Xin, Natalie Goh Lewa, Ng Wei Shuen

Ms Kairiah Mohd Tamin


This project report presents Hey Solo Sister, the first comprehensive and unbiased information platform tailored to unwed mothers to help them make informed decisions in their journey of unwed motherhood. Created by final-year students of from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, this capstone campaign sought to provide unwed mothers in Singapore with information and emotional support mainly through the one-stop online portal, heysolosister.com.

This initiative was targeted at unwed mothers aged between 16 to 34 years old with a minimum of secondary school level education (and, therefore, a basic proficiency in English). The website was created according to the needs and concerns of these mothers, as discovered from surveys and in-depth interviews conducted before the campaign with unwed mothers as well as social workers who worked directly with the target group.

This report touches on the strategies and tactics used to reach out to this group of unwed mothers, followed by an evaluation of the execution and a discussion of some challenges faced. Future recommendations and possible sustainability plans were also included as a final conclusion.

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