Audrey Woon Ai Leng, Emery Lim Mei Ying, Wong Su Yee & Wong Yu Lan
Mr Tim Clark
Targeted at female college students aged 18 to 24, this campaign aims to promote
positive body image as a preventive measure against eating disorders. Primary and
secondary research has found Singaporean college women to be dissatisfied with
their bodies. As a result, they strive to be thinner due to the perceived social and
cultural preference for thinness. Studies have also pointed to poor self-esteem as
an important predictor of body image concerns, dieting, disordered eating, and
eating disorders, which suggests improving self-esteem as an effective preventive
measure. As such, the “Love, Me” campaign sought to take on a self-esteem-based
approach to build women’s resilience against the unrealistic societal body image
ideal presented in the media.
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