Imagined Contact Theory: A Study of the Relationship between the Use of Weibo and Perceived Discrimination amongst Chinese Immigrants in Singapore

Alvin Chia Zhao Yuan, Tan Sie Mun, Tan Xin Qi Lisa & Woo Zhen Wei

Asst Prof Arul Chib



This study examined how virtual contact through mediated communication using
the social networking site (SNS) Sina Weibo can reduce how Chinese immigrants in
Singapore perceive themselves as being discriminated by the locals. As part of the
research, a five-week campaign sought to engage young Chinese immigrants aged
16 to 35 living in Singapore and using the transtheoretical model of behavioural
change, the campaign sought to promote an open discussion of issues that would
prepare them for future contact. The findings were discussed in relation to the
specific recommendations that could be made at governmental and institutional

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