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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a CEO-led organization consisting of over 200 forward-thinking businesses collaborating to transit businesses towards a sustainable economy and world.

By recognizing that business sustainability lies at the heart of sustainable development, the WBCSD collaborates with its members to deliver high-impact business solutions across the broad themes of food and land use, energy, cities and mobility, and redefining value.

 A key premise of the WBCSD is that ‘business as usual’ is not sufficient to effect sustainable change, and instead highlights that there is an urgent need for business leaders to act as catalysts to achieve the UN SDGs. As a result, the WBCSD has launched its cornerstone Vision 2050 report, which we will discuss in detail in our last lesson.

To achieve the Vision 2050 goals, the WBCSD launched Action 2020, in partnership with the , as a platform to create workable solutions, guided by science, for businesses to address sustainability. These solutions must be:

  • Measurable – so we know they are making a difference.
  • Scalable – so they can have a meaningful impact on the world.
  • Replicable – can be applied by many companies, across multiple sectors, regions and countries.
  • Beyond business as usual – encourages businesses and governments begin to work – and collaborate – differently.
  • Good for business – empowers commercial logic that contributes to the broader good and to the bottom line.

    Action2020 Sustainable Development Business Solutions for planet Earth

Supplementary Resources

WBCSD (2016) “The inclusive business approach: delivering on the SDGs”

WBCSD (2016) “Business and the SDGs: Role, opportunity and responsibility”