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Week 8 Overview and Learning Objectives

Whether you are the CEO of an large  corporation or the owner of a small fledgling enterprise, your company’s fortunes and success is undeniably linked to the management and performance of your supply chain.  Growing stakeholder concerns regarding the environment and for sustainability performance has lead to corporate acknowledgement of sustainability values within business. As such, companies can no longer simply claim their operations are “sustainable” or “green” and get away with it. Most companies now recognize that ensuring and managing a sustainable supply chain is no longer just an optional nice-to-have  – but rather a business imperative, critical to the success of the organization.

In this seminar, we will examine some of the key supply chain management frameworks that assist businesses improve their corporate sustainability performance. We will look at processes that are involved across three different frameworks and explore how they influence sustainable change within business supply chains.  By the end of the seminar, you should have a clear understanding of the value and effects of sustainable supply chains to business.  You should also be familiar with some of the main strategies that are utilized within these sustainable management frameworks.

Key Frameworks and Concepts
  • Green supply chain management
  • Reverse logistics management
  • Life-cycle assessment for supply chain management