With Lots of Love

Abstract or Summary of Project

I undertook With Lots of Love to gain a deeper understanding of the plethora of conflicting emotions that I feel towards my mother, with the hope that through the process of engaging my mother in the project, that we will both begin a healing journey.

For this project, concurrently I sieved through our belongings to compare our preferences, and showcased our differing opinions through reenacting our day-to-day encounters. Both acts, one of comparing our personal belongings revealed my mother and I are more alike than different in our preferences, whilst the other of examining my mother’s dislike over my dressing choices, came together to shed light into our contentious relationship.

It is also a milestone for me, a sense of emancipation as I transmit the emotions that I feel of this difficult mother-daughter relationship into a visual form and writing.

With Lots of Love was not created with the intention to change my mother’s preferences or beliefs, but to open up space for potential conversation between my mother and I.

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)

Posted on

May 22, 2023