Letter Requests

Companies may sometimes request a letter from the school to demonstrate confirmed placement for various reasons. The reasons ranged from CPF exemptions to various government grant applications.

Credit-endorsed internship placement letter

The credit-endorsed internship typically applies to 3rd-year students going on their compulsory internship programme.

Upon official confirmation of an internship with a verified organization, students can request for the letter. Refer to the guide which can be found at this link. Only CAO can issue the letter and not ADM.

Please note that letter requests can take time especially during peak periods of compulsory internship programs. Please get your company to write in as soon as they require it.

What does official confirmation mean?

For those who have secured a placement via the Inplace portal, this means getting the company to make you an offer through the system and then you accepting the internship officially via the system. The acceptance of your internship offer via the Inplace portal will be considered as an official confirmation of your internship.

For those who are self-sourcing, you will have to submit the self-sourced form as soon as possible for approval. Once your self-source is approved, it will then be considered as an official confirmation of your internship.

CAO contact:

Please note that letter requests can take time especially during peak periods of compulsory internship. If you do not hear anything from CAO after 1 week, please drop another reminder to CAO_ADM@ntu.edu.sg


Non-credit endorsed internship

A non-credit endorsed internship is an internship done outside of the compulsory internship module and usually for self-enrichment purposes. There will be no credits given for such an internship.

To receive a letter from Career and Attachment office (CAO)you will have to create an account at the NTU Career Axis website to provide the necessary details for review by the Career and Attachment Office before a letter can be issued.


NS reservist related letter

For NS related letter due to compulsory internship for third year students, please get in touch with the ADMfaculty internship coordinator providing the specific reason and context of your letter request, along with stating your major of study and your NTU matriculation number.

ADM contact:

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