Interview with: Cheong Tong Pei
Tong Pei, a visual communication student interned with the Lo and Behold Group for 10 weeks under the 2014 ADM internship programme. Tong Pei self-sourced his own internship placement and was awarded 6AU upon successful completion of the programme.
He will be sharing with everyone his experiences on the 30th of January 2014, 12 noon @ the Library Cinema Room. Do come by and listen to what Tong Pei have to say, especially for those who are looking to self-source their own placement. He will be there to answer questions and provide useful advice!
Meanwhile, below is a short interview piece with Tong Pei!
What first got you interested in the ADM internship programme?
The best part about ADM internship is the amount of AUs you can clear during your holidays. By clearing that 6AUs, it would make your 4th year more relaxing and be able to concentrate on your FYP.

Interview with: Clarence Ng Chuan Swee
Clarence, an interactive media student interned with the organization Up and Up for 10 weeks under the 2014 ADM internship programme. Clarence was placed with the organization Up and Up by making use of the ADM database of companies. All companies under this ADM database are companies who are already looking and eager to provide internship experiences to our ADM students !
Clarence shared his internship experiences with everyone on the 12th November 2014, together with Jackson from Black Design. Students got some useful tips and advice from him at the talk from what to prepare at the interview to how to conduct yourself throughout the 10 weeks of internship !
Clarence was awarded 6AU upon successful completion of his 10 weeks internship.
For those who missed his talk, below is a short interview with him:
What first got you interested in the ADM internship programme?
The opportunity of being able to learn new things beyond what can be learnt in a classroom setting thrilled me. I wanted to test my creativity and see if I could perform well if I entered the advertising and marketing industry.