Category Archives: Meeting’s Log

Minutes log on video 2


Team members: Xiao Yong, Yan Mei, Celine Ow, Xin Minn, Daryl Chan, Candy Tay

 Team: Group 3, Charlie                                                                  Date: 12/3/2015

 Location: NTU South Spine

 Duration: 60 Minutes

Topics discussed (briefly)

  • Highlight main concepts of energy and its implications in our society (Concepts that has been used in our first video should not overlap with our second one)
  • Incorporate applicable and important concepts into our second video
  • Video discussion, organisation of roles and video planning
  • Emulate the success of our previous video while avoiding any possible shortcomings

Tasks to be done before the next meeting and who has been assigned/agreed on doing them

  • Xiao Yong: To have the video edited
  • Yan Mei: Update minutes of the current meeting and prepare video props
  • Candy: Pick up important concepts and plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Celine Ow: Pick up important concepts and plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Xin Minn: Pick up important concepts and plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Daryl Chan: Pick up important concepts and plan video(Plot, roles and setting)

Plan of action

  • Celine, candy, xin minn and daryl to plan the video before we shoot
  • Celine, candy, xin minn and daryl to update the team on their plans
  • To accomplished a complete video by the end of the session
  • Yan Mei to update the minutes
  • Xiao Yong to update the blog and to upload the video

Minutes log on video 1


Team members: Xiao Yong, Yan Mei, Celine Ow, Xin Minn, Daryl  Tay, Candy

 Team: Group 3, Charlie                                                                     Date: 0/3/2015

 Location: NTU South Spine

 Duration: 60 Minutes

Topics discussed (briefly)

  • Highlight main concepts of energy and its implications in our society
  • Incorporate concepts into our video
  • Video discussion, organisation of roles and video planning

Tasks to be done before the next meeting and who has been assigned/agreed on doing them

  • Xiao Yong: Learn how to edit video via blackboard
  • Yan Mei: Update minutes of current meeting and prepare video props
  • Candy: Plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Celine Ow: Plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Xin Minn: Plan video(Plot, roles and setting)
  • Daryl Chan: Plan video(Plot, roles and setting)

Plan of action

  • Celine, candy, xin minn and daryl to plan the video before we shoot
  • Celine, candy, xin minn and daryl to update the team on their plans
  • To accomplished a complete video by the end of the session
  • Yan Mei to update the minutes
  • Xiao Yong to update the blog and to upload the video

minutes log 2

Minutes 2

Team members: Xiao Yong, Yan Mei, Celine Ow, Xin Minn, Daryl Chan, Candy Tay

 Team: Group 3, Charlie                                                   Date: 13/2/2015

 Location: NTU South Spine

 Duration: 60 Minutes

Topics discussed (briefly)

  • Energy in the atmosphere
  • Melting and boiling point with respect to impurities
  • Radiation
  • Water molecules
  • Global warming and how it affects our society

Tasks to be done before the next meeting and who has been assigned/agreed on doing them

  • Xiao Yong: Update blog
  • Yan Mei: Update minutes
  • Candy: To jot down important points during meeting and relevant discussion points from class discussions
  • Celine Ow: Q2
  • Xin Minn: Q4
  • Daryl Chan: Q1,3

Plan of action

  • The whole group to meet and discuss on the 4 questions, so as to provide a guideline for the relevant in-charge to conduct their research
  • Daryl,Celine and Xin Minn to research on a their respective topics
  • Daryl, Celine and Xin Minn to update the group on their research
  • The whole team to agree on the research pointers
  • Candy to take down the important discussion points, fill in the answers and pass the discussion pointers to Yan Mei after the meeting
  • Yan Mei to update the minutes
  • Xiao Yong to update the blog

Minutes Log 1


Team members: Xiao Yong, Yan Mei, Celine Ow, Xin Minn, Daryl Chan, Candy Tay


Team: Group 3, Charlie                                                                     Date: 5/2/2015


Location: NTU South Spine


Duration: 45 Minutes


Topics discussed (briefly)

  • Thermodynamics
  • Fossil Fuel
  • Oil

Tasks to be done before the next meeting and who has been assigned/agreed on doing them

  • Xiao Yong: Update blog
  • Yan Mei: Update minutes
  • Candy: To jot down important points during meeting and relevant discussion points from class discussions
  • Celine Ow: Question researcher and update professor
  • Xin Minn: Question researcher
  • Daryl Chan: Topic researcher


Plan of action

  • Celine and Xin Minn to research on a few topics that would be viable for our video
  • Daryl to conduct in-depth analysis into our chosen topic
  • Daryl, Celine and Xin Minn to update the group on their research
  • The whole team to discuss and finalise on a topic
  • Candy to take down the important discussion points and pass it to Yan Mei after the meeting
  • Yan Mei to update the minutes
  • Celine to email the professor by Sat (7/2) on our finalized topic
  • Xiao Yong to update the blog