Zoo and Aquarium

In a man-made setting, zoo and aquarium strive to create a habitat that is closely resemble to the natural environment for the biodiversity species. The exhibits and activities serve to provide a personal and direct experience with the animals and plants, thereby enhancing the connectedness with nature.

Beside recreation, Singapore zoo and aquarium provide these 3 functions: research, conservation, and education. Firstly, research is conducted to facilitate the operation of zoo and aquarium such as conservation efforts, captive breeding and so on. Secondly, in the role of conservation, they breed endangered animals and provide them a habitat that is closely resemble to their natural environment. Thirdly, zoo and aquarium aim to educate the general public to have a better understanding about wildlife and conservation. The experience and knowledge cultivated can foster sustainable and ethical behaviours towards animals and nature.

A photo taken at the Singapore Zoo back in 2012

I think the last time that I have been to Singapore Zoo was 6 years ago. I always have some qualms in how zoo and aquarium operate. News have reported that the parent company Wildlife Reserves Singapore continues to receive charity fund despite earning millions of dollars in profits over the years. Striving to become a world class leisure attraction, their management and primary goal could likely to prioritise economic benefits over conservation. Nevertheless, zoo and aquarium provide a proper platform to foster connectedness with nature.