Korea-Taiwan University Libraries – Visit Itinerary

26 February- 03 March 2017

Date Programme Details
26 Feb (Sun)

Depart from Singapore

Arrive in Seoul

[Accommodation in Seoul]

SQ600, 0805-15:30

(Schubert will fly from US to Korea directly by SQ007 and arrive at 22:35)

27 Feb (Mon)


Visit Seoul National University

[Accommodation in Seoul]

 Afternoon program 

28 Feb (Tue)


Visit Seoul National University

[Accommodation in Seoul nearer to the airport]

Morning program
01 Mar (Wed)

Early morning flight from Seoul to Taiwan

Visit National University of Taiwan in the afternoon

[Accommodation in Taipei]

BR149, 07:30-08:55

Afternoon program

02 Mar (Thu)

Visit National Taiwan Normal Uni. (NTNU) Library in the morning

Travel to Xinzhu city in the afternoon

[Accommodation in Xinzhu]

Morning program

Afternoon travelling

03 Mar (Fri)


visit National Tsing Hua Uni. Library in the morning

Travel from Xinzhu to Taipei airport in the afternoon

Fly back and arrive home in the evening

Morning program

Afternoon travelling

Night flight

SQ 879,TPE 17:35 — SIN 22:20

Visit to Korea and Taiwan – Areas of Interest

  Institution Areas of Interest

Seoul National University



(Korea, 1 Gwanak-ro, Daehak-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea)



1)   The library’s involvement with Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching such as E-learning courses and games

2)    The library’s initiatives of research analysis supports and big data analytics

3)    Development of library applications such as the seat reservation system

4)    SNU archival collection management

5)    The Friends of the SNU Library initiative

6)    The Multimedia plaza


Yonsei University   http://library.yonsei.ac.kr/

(Korea, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea)


1)      Information Commons and multimedia centre of the Yonsei Samsung Library

2)      The applications of Smart Campus in your library

3)      The Underwood Memorial Library at the Underwood International College: the Residential College Library concept, your involvement with Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching, and the innovative services and facilities provided in this library, such as the 24-Hour Study Lounge.


National Taiwan University Library


(No.1 Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 106)



1)      Special collections & digitizing projects such as Taiwan History Digital Library (THDL)

2)      Your Academic Hub, Scholars Gateway & web archiving system

3)      Innovative services and promotion, Library PR2.0

4)      Your involvement with Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching such as E-learning courses and games

5)      Multimedia online

6)      Space design


National Taiwan Normal University



(No.129 Sec.1 Heping E. Road, Taipei, Taiwan  )


1)      University digital archives repositories and exhibitions

2)      Linked Data project

3)      e-book reader loaning services

4)    NTNU Researcher Portal


National Tsing Hua University


(101, Section 2 Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, Republic of China)


1)      Special collections and University archives

2)      Digital archives

3)      Library Orientation Week and reading promotion activities

4)      E-book reader loaning services

5)      Learning Commons and Knowledge Hub , especially the design and management of night reading area.

Visit to MIT, Harvard & Duke Libraries – Areas of Interest

  Institution Areas of Interest

Massachusetts Institute of Technology



(77 Massachusetts Avenue. Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA)



Future of Libraries https://future-of-libraries.mit.edu

Task Force Preliminary Report (Full) (24 Oct 2016)

Task Force Preliminary Report (Executive Summary)

Ideas Bank

Digital collections – images, media, maps, etc.

4 themes; 10 strategic recommendations

Barker Library

Institute archives and special collections


Harvard University



(Smith Campus Center. 30 Dunster Street. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA)


Harvard Library Objectives in Action for 2016 – 2021

University records management and preservation program.

Preservation Program

University Records Management

Harvard University Archives

Weissman Preservation Center Library


Duke University



(411 Chapel Drive. Durham, NC 27708, USA)


Duke Link (Teaching & Learning Centre)

Data and visualization services

TWP Writing Studio

The Edge (The Ruppert Commons for Research, Technology, and Collaboration)

High density repository

Centre for Instructional Technology


American University Libraries – Visit Itinerary

20 – 27 February 2017

Date Programme Details
20 Feb (Mon)

Depart from Singapore

Arrive in Boston (same day)

[Accommodation: Boston]

SQ 308@0910hrs

21 Feb (Tue)


Visit State Library of Massachusetts

Visit Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library or Turfs University’s Tisch Library

[Accommodation: Boston]




22 Feb (Wed)


Visit MIT Libraries; meetings with MIT Libraries colleagues

[Accommodation: Boston]

Mid-morning to mid-afternoon programme
23 Feb (Thu)

Visit Harvard Library; meetings with Harvard Library colleagues

Domestic flight from Boston to North Carolina (Raleigh Durham)

[Accommodation: North Carolina]

Mid-morning to mid-afternoon programme



24 Feb (Fri)

Visit Duke University Libraries; meetings with DUL colleagues

Domestic flight from North Carolina (Raleigh Durham) to Boston

[Accommodation: Boston]

Early morning to afternoon programme



25 Feb (Sat)


Visit MIT Museum Feb Fest – National Engineers Week

Depart from Boston

26 Feb (Sun) On flight
27 Feb (Mon) Arrive in Singapore