For many of you who are still mulling over getting the Inkling book titles, the library is pleased to announce that all but one of the Inkling books are now available on the Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) Health Library.
The LWW Health Library contains content from LWW’s Premium Basic Sciences Collection including their bestselling anatomical and basic sciences titles, and the Bates’ Guides. The collection is also supplemented by patients’ profiles, procedures, cases and videos.
The e-book collection is the flat pdf version of the print books and lacks the interactive features of the Inkling package meant for the iPad. With the exception of Rohen’s Color Atlas of Anatomy, the other titles on the Inkling package are available in this collection.
NTU Libraries is working towards making each of the individual e-book titles available on the library catalogue. In the meantime, please click on the link here to access the collection directly.