Screen grab of Predicted Normal ECG - Chest Leads taken from ECGTeacher website on 1 April, 2014

Screen grab of Predicted Normal ECG – Chest Leads taken from ECGTeacher website on 1 April, 2014

The Medical Library has added another database to the ever expanding online medical resources. ECGTeacher boasts an array of videos and interactive tools tackling the field of electrocardiography. As an important diagnostic tool in acute medicine, ECGTeacher uses graphics to explain in simple terms how the normal ECG readout is generated and presented and how the ECG is used to diagnose diseases of the heart. The subscription is inclusive of premium content which contains high-resolution interactive quizzes, quick revision/tip notes from award winning educators, real-world clinical scenarios, exam primer/self-test, and detailed expert video commentary on quizzes.

You can access ECG Teacher at or through the NTU Libraries webpage (Database TitlesDatabase ListMedicineECGTeacher)