With effect from 1 December 2022, NTU’s EndNote Desktop will be available on request.
Students and staff will no longer be able to download the software directly, and the license will only be available upon request, subject to approval.
EndNote Desktop software is a subscription-based software which must be uninstalled when leaving NTU. On the other hand, open-source RMS like Zotero and free version of Mendeley could be used even after leaving NTU. With the upcoming changes from 1 Dec 2022, EndNote Desktop users may relook and consider switching to the open source or free RMS such as Zotero or Mendeley.
If you already have EndNote Desktop installed on your devices, you may continue to use the software while you are a NTU student or staff. EndNote Desktop software will be loaned to users. For more information refer to our LibGuide. EndNote Desktop will be available on request from 1 Dec 2022.
For further assistance or clarifications, please email library@ntu.edu.sg
Refer to the following guides on how to move your EndNote references to Zotero or Mendeley