Data Collection


Discover Data Collection Skills and Techniques for Scientific Research Projects

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
— Albert Einstein

Data collection is a vital stage of review as it summarizes the research question, eligibility criteria, and evidence collected for critical appraisal.

During the review process, Covidence is used as a review tool to screen and record data provenance and decisions made which are reflected on the PRISMA diagram. The evidence for inclusion is collected and used for scoping or narrative reviews or critically appraised further for systematic reviews. 

Use an effective Screening Tool – Covidence

Set up a Covidence account

Covidence is an online platform designed to streamline the systematic review process, including the screening stage.

Watch this video to learn more about Covidence and how to get started by setting up your free Covidence account.

Import references

Watch this video to learn how to use suitable file formats and import references from a reference manager (EndNote) to Covidence to commence the screening stage.


Title/Abstract Screening

Watch this video to learn how Covidence provides a user-friendly interface where reviewers can quickly assess each study’s relevance and make decisions on whether to include or exclude it from further consideration.

Full Text Screening

Watch this video to learn how studies that pass the title and abstract screening stage move on to full-text screening and how reviewers communicate with each other within the platform to discuss any discrepancies or uncertainties regarding study eligibility.

Examples of Library Research Studies

Student Led Book Clubs to Promote Dialogic Discourse on Children’s Health Literature

Transforming Information Literacy Learning using Chatbot Technologies

“When in doubt, refer to the Cochrane Training Guidelines.”

– Annoymus 


After executing the search strategy, you will need to screen the search results based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. This typically involves two stages: title/abstract screening followed by full-text screening. Each stage is conducted by at least two independent reviewers to minimize bias.

Here are some references for further reading:


    Don’t forget to report your PRISMA diagram!

    PRISMA maps out the number of records identified, included and excluded, and the reasons for exclusions – Refer to Cochrane: Documenting the search process and reporting the search results

    Example of PRISMA diagram 

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    11 Mandalay Road, Novena Campus
    Clinical Sciences Building 



    Database Search Translation

    Data Collection

    Data Appraisal

    Data Extraction

    Developed by Senior Medical Librarian, Ms Rebecca David