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Guidelines For Giving Great Presentations

Presentation skills are critical in the business world. Whether you are an MBA student who has to present an idea in front of the class for an academic project, an executive who has to make a presentation to spearhead the strategic meeting, or a business owner who has to pitch his/her business idea to the potential investors and clients, practising and honing your presentation skill is essential.

So, what is it that separates a good presentation from the one that fails to make a lasting impact on the audience? What are some of the common mistakes that you can avoid? Here are a few guidelines to follow, the next time you are preparing yourself for a presentation.

Great Presentations

The 10/20/30 Rule for PowerPoint

How many slides should you have in the PowerPoint presentation? How much of text should you put on those slides? How long should the presentation be?

Guy Kawasaki, the famous author, speaker, and marketer has framed the 10/20/30 rule for PowerPoint, after having listened to more than hundred presentations by entrepreneurs, during his experience as a venture capitalist. This is what the rule suggests:

10 Slides

‘10 Slides’ is the ideal number for a presentation. If you have 20 or 30 slides for instance, it’s time to evaluate the need for the additional slides. Ask yourself – Is it critical to the message I am trying to convey? Can I do without this slide? Can this point be combined with another point that I have already made in one of the previous slides? Having a number constraint on the slides ensures that your audience stays attentive throughout the presentation.

20 Minutes

20 minutes is the longest time that you should take to speak and convey the message of your presentation. Even if you are given more than 30 minutes to give the presentation, restrict your speaking to 20 minutes and use the remaining time to invite questions from the audience or engage in open-ended discussion. Presentations are powerful when the audience is actively engaged in them and not just playing the role of a passive listener.

30-Point Font

You have restricted your presentation to 10 slides, and have ensured that your speaking doesn’t exceed 20 minutes. But, if your slides are stuffed with content, and with a text of size smaller than 20-point, then your audience wouldn’t be able to closely follow the presentation and read the content on the slides. Guy Kawasaki suggests that 30-point font should be the smallest font size that you should use on your slides to maintain their readability.

“The reason people use a small font is twofold: first, that they don’t know their material well enough; second, they think that more text is more convincing. Total bozosity. Force yourself to use no font smaller than thirty points. I guarantee it will make your presentations better because it requires you to find the most salient points and to know how to explain them well. If “thirty points,” is too dogmatic, the I offer you an algorithm: find out the age of the oldest person in your audience and divide it by two. That’s your optimal font size,” he adds.

Other points to keep in mind:

  • Know your audience well to communicate your idea effectively. Their level of understanding of your subject matter is critical while preparing the content of the presentation.
  • Use images to make your presentation more interesting and visually-appealing.
  • Tell stories to grab the attention of the audience, and to establish an emotional connection with them.
  • The content of the presentation is significant, but so is the level of confidence of the presenter. Speak with passion and conviction.
  • After each presentation, make note of the things that went well and the things that did not. Invite feedback from the audience. It’s the only way to learn and improve your presentation skills.
  • Last but not the least, grab every chance that you get to practise your presentation skills. It’s only by doing it more and doing it often that you get better at this skill.

The Importance of Organizational Culture

Organisational Culture

It’s the quality that binds the organization together, and prevents it from falling apart; a quality that gives the organization the strength to deal with difficult challenges; a quality that makes it stand out from the rest.

Like individuals, organizations too have a unique personality that we refer to as ‘culture’. It’s an invisible yet powerful force that drives the thoughts and actions of each of its members. It’s a system of shared values, beliefs, and goals.

Organizational culture has a huge impact on the company’s ability to succeed and make it big in the competitive world that we live in today. A company without a tangible culture finds it difficult to tap into the full potential of its employees, and to keep them happy. And, that puts both the organization’s and its people’s well being at risk.

Here are some of the reasons why organizational culture plays such an important role in the success of any business:

  • Unity

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog,” Mark Twain had said in one of his famous quotes. An organization, irrespective of its actual size – whether it’s a start-up with 10-15 employees or an organization with a bigger workforce, is strengthened by its unity. The unity results from a solid organizational culture – a set of shared values and principles that the members abide by in every decision that they take. The similarity of thought and action enables the employees of a company to work synergistically, to help each other in their goals, and to stay strong as a group in order to fight against the rival forces.

  • Business Success

One organization that has a palpable organizational culture is Google Inc. One look at the Google products and campuses across the globe, few interactions with its employees, and we would know what the company stands for – Creativity and Innovativeness. Building and maintaining Google’s culture requires relentless effort, as Google’s Developer Advocate Don Dodge explains in this blog post. But, the company very well knows that the secret to its success is its people and the culture they create and maintain.

  • Stability

Author Daniel H Pink in his book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us talks about the role of ‘Purpose’ in improving the performance of people in the workplace. Lack of purpose and motivation is one of the major reasons why people are often dissatisfied at work and why they quit their jobs and look for greener pastures.

Organizational culture, by its very nature, ensures that the purpose of its members are aligned with the purpose of the organization. And, this compatibility of goals and way of thinking drives the members to perform well, be self-directed, and be loyal to the organization they belong to.

  • Sense of Direction

When an organization has laid out its values, beliefs and goals, its employees have a clear direction to work towards. They can discern between right and wrong, important and unimportant and this clarity ensures a focused approach to work, and a productive use of the organization’s time and resources.

  • Identity

‘Identity’ and ‘brand image’ emerge from an organization’s culture and its people. Apple’s products wouldn’t be known for their ‘perfection’ and ‘enduring beauty’, had it not been for Steve Jobs’ unique way of approaching the technology business, his emphasis on creating products that weren’t just efficient, but also aesthetically pleasing and immaculately designed. It’s the people who create the organization and it’s the organization that creates the ‘brand image’. And, we know what a big role the identity of the brand plays in how well it’s received by the market and how far it goes.

Interested in exploring the topic of ‘culture’ and ‘group behaviour’ in depth? Nanyang Technological University’s Culture Science Institute (CSI) holistically investigates cultural issues of national and global importance, from brain-based, cognitive, evolutionary, behavioural and life science perspectives. To know more, visit

Additionally, the Nanyang MBA at NBS offers a compulsory module on Leading People Globally. Designed to help you with theoretical and a practical understanding of what is required to lead people in organizations, it provides you with detailed insights on an organization’s perspective on talent management.

The programme’s Business Study Missions (local or overseas) also help build a candidate’s cultural intelligence, exposing them to different business, cultural, economic and political environments. It prepares individuals for the global workplace by honing their skills in managing business in different environments.

Have thoughts on the role of organizational culture? Don’t forget to share them in the comments below!

Setting BHAGs For Your Career

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living,” said Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a remarkable leader.

Apart from their exceptional skills and talents, one of the major factors that contribute to the success of powerful businessmen, high-achieving leaders and other extraordinary individuals is their ability to think big. They have a clear and compelling vision that they are working towards, and their day-to-day actions are consistent with that vision they have in mind.

Do you know where you want to be 10-30 years from now? Do you have a big vision that drives your decisions and life choices? If your career goal is limited to ‘getting a job, ‘getting promoted’ or ‘earning a higher salary’, then you won’t get too far in your professional life. You’ll lack the grit to get things done, the strength to push through your fears. You’ll settle for a life that’s less than what you deserve. What you lack is not talent, skill or intellect; but a bold vision statement, a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) as Jim Collins calls it in his book ‘Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies’.


Having a vision for your professional life is essential, no matter which stage of career you are in. So, here are a few steps to help you set BHAGs for your career.

Think Big

“Becoming a CEO of a technology firm”, “Running a retail store that sells rare electronic goods,” “Building technology tools that make education accessible to every child in the world” – your BHAG may seem out of reach, but it’s not out of sight. You can visualize it in your mind, although it may seem complex and daunting at first. Know that it’s the challenge that makes it worth achieving. Aim high and do not settle for a goal that appears too easy and comfortable.

Think Deep

The BHAG should be something that you truly want to do. It should be emotionally compelling to you and well aligned with your passions. Think deeply and get to the core of who you are, and where you see yourself a decade or two from now. It takes relentless effort to achieve your big goals. Choose something that you must do, not something that you think you should do.

Think Long-term

BHAGs are big dreams with a specific deadline. The time limit adds a sense of urgency and pushes you towards the goal. But, they are not goals that you are meant to achieve in a short span of 2-3 years. It may take a decade or longer. So, be prepared for a long, immersive and deeply gratifying ride.

Live your Vision

So, you have set a BHAG for your career. You have pondered over it in depth, written it out on a sheet of paper, and stuck it up on the wall over your desk. Is that all? Do you go about your life as usual? Creating a vision is not enough. You have to abide by the vision, make your present actions and choices consistent to it. You have to work hard towards that vision, break the big goal into small steps that can be achieved over a period of few months or years. You have to shield yourself from day-to-day distractions, not let yourself be deterred by the hurdles that you face on the way.

Stay Inspired

Working towards a Big Hairy Audacious Goal isn’t easy. And, if you don’t have a support system around you, you are likely to falter and feel lost. Find mentors; join hands with other like-minded individuals who are working towards their own BHAGs. It would keep you inspired and help you stay positive and hopeful.

If your BHAG is to be a successful business professional, then the Nanyang MBA can help you achieve that goal. The 12-month MBA programme will help you expand your business knowledge, build your leadership skills, and work under a guidance of qualified international faculty and senior level industry experts.

To know more about the Nanyang MBA Programme, visit:

The Power of the Crowd – Guest Lecture by Stefan Lindegaard

Submitted by Anggono Natalnugroho, Co-Chair of the Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club

On 10 Dec 2014, the Marketing & Entrepreneurship Club invited Stefan Lindegaard, a Copenhagen-based innovation expert, to give brief a lecture on crowdsourcing — tapping the knowledge, opinions, and ideas of the crowd to help innovation inside established companies.

Continue reading The Power of the Crowd – Guest Lecture by Stefan Lindegaard

Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge 2015

Submitted by Jeffery Zou, Co-Chair of the Banking & Finance Club

A team from the Nanyang Business School comprising of Jeffery Zou, Stephanie Zhao, Sona Sethi, and Dr. I Putu Mahendra Wijaya participated in the Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge in February and March 2015 respectively, both held at Bangkok. The team was guided by NBS’s Prof Vijay Sethi.

Continue reading Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge 2015

Happy Friendship (Valentine’s) Day !

Submitted by Phua Boon Huei, Student Exco VP Finance

Today (12 Feb) is a special day. Notably, this marks the last day of our Trimester Two class; and for our friends on the Nanyang-Waseda Double MBA program, the last day of NTU class before they head off to Japan to continue their MBA journey.

The MBA gentlemen wanted to mark this day with laughter and loooove (like what our Marketing Professor would say). And it is with perfect timing as well, because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!

Continue reading Happy Friendship (Valentine’s) Day !

Bowling at Mount Faber

Submitted by Aditya Bhargava, Co-Chair of the Sports Club

To start Trimester 2 on a fun and exciting note, some of us went to bowl at the Superbowl at Mount Faber on 9 Nov. The excitement started straight away as we already had some camaraderie and competition building up in the first round. To the players’ surprise, they had just scored their personal best as you can see from the scoreboard picture below:

2014.11.09 bowling (1)

Continue reading Bowling at Mount Faber

John Molson MBA International Case Competition

Submitted by Cory Reid, Student Exco VP Case Competition

As mentioned in the earlier journal entry on the post-competition celebration, the Nanyang MBA team was victorious at the 2015 John Molson MBA International Case Competition.  (News coverage on Channel News Asia, Straits Times, NTU Website).

Not only that, but we remained undefeated throughout the competition. The team consisted of myself, Cory Reid, and Aswathi Suresh, Sunitha Vijiyasingam and Jonah Wong. We were accompanied by our coach, Akshay Regulagedda whom we couldn’t have done without. We also had coaching by past participants and Nanyang MBA alumni Gaurav Goel and Minti Sen. In addition, Prof Vijay Sethi was instrumental in helping select the team and provide feedback after multiple practice sessions.

Continue reading John Molson MBA International Case Competition